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So you've done your research, you've purchased your brewing unit and now you need some filters for your filter coffee! We stock a wide range of filter papers for every brewing unit.
Hario are renowned for their Pour Over, so we are always stocked up on v60 filter papers. We have the hario filter papers for either single, double or triple cup hario v60 drippers! Hario paper filters are designed in a cone shape (hence v60) to 60 degrees which was found to be the optimal angle which allows even dispersion and a uniform extraction when the brewing process is commenced.
The Chemex has been around since 1941 so you've most likely heard of it. The chemex bonded filters come pre folded, all chemex filters match any of brewer sizes for each of the cup chemex range. You have the choice between square and circle chemex filters, or natural or white papers. Circle or square come down to the personal preference of what look you prefer, square is typically more popular. Whatever Pour Over method you choose to go with, make sure that you pair it with one of our amazing Gooseneck Kettles from brands such as Brewista, Fellow and Hario.
The white is bleached filter paper which is a process which removes the paper taste. You might get subtle hints of that papery taste in your brown filters. The brown filters are natural and are unbleached, it really comes down to personal preference and what taste you're aiming at achieving. In saying that, regardless of your choice in filters, a pre rinse of the filter paper into your server is always recommended prior to brewing.
Everybody loves a delicious cold brew on a hot summer's day. The Toddy cold brew system is one of our favourites so we always keep a wide range of their paper filters on hand. From the standard cold brew coffee maker through to the commercial cold brew system, you'll never run short on brewing filters.
Lastly, one of our personal favourites, the Moccamaster. Batch Brewers are incredibly popular and with batch or otherwise known as filter coffee, is becoming incredibly popular within the Australian coffee culture. Pick between a classic and thermal moccamaster to suit your brewing needs!
The high quality water dispersion unit provides the optimal flow rate for the perfect extraction, the moccamaster coffee filters work to get you a sediment free, clean and sharp cup of coffee everytime. The filters withhold all those bitter elements that ruin your morning brew. We stock both the classic moccamaster filters and the pancake filter to fit in all those coffee grounds!
What style of alternative brewing do you enjoy the most? We’ve got all your brewing styles down pat whether you prefer black coffee like an Aeropress, Syphon, Batch Brew, French press, Chemex, Pour Over, Moka Pot or something a little cooler like a Cold Brew / cold drip! If you prefer more of a milk based beverage (absolutely) you might pair your Portable Coffee with a manual Milk Frother from our range to get you that delicious creamy morning brew! Now of course we have everything you need to make your coffee experience the best it can be including, Coffee Scales , Pour Over Stands, Filters , Manual Grinders, Gooseneck Kettles, Coffee Servers and Cupping Tools and Coffee Cups if you’re into some taste testing! For our non- coffee drinkers we have a wide variety of Tea Gear which you’ll love! Happy brewing!
Believe it or not, the difference is minimal. The circle and square filter papers are used on individual preference. There is no difference in terms of materials nor is there any better or worse when it comes to brewing. It is literally a matter of your preferred shape.
The material properties are identical. The key difference is that the white filter papers undergo an oxidizing process where the filter paper is cleansed then has a series of hot baths to remove the ‘papery’ taste the natural brown filters can have. So the white is bleached to provide a cleaner taste to allow every flavour of coffee to be tasted, the brown might have a few hints of the filter. In saying this ensure that prior to brewing you pre-rinse all your filter paper with hot water for the optimal flavour extraction!