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Filter coffee machines are becoming increasingly popular as batch brew coffee becomes a thing across Australian cafes. The rockstars here batch brewers here are the Moccamaster and Ratio Brewers. You see, filter or “drip” is the default coffee across America. The Moccamaster classic produces one of my favourite cups of coffee and looks beautiful on the kitchen bench.
Most Americans have a coffee brewer at home or at work, and would not dare start their day without having that first cup of Joe. However, here in Australia we have been such a milk based espresso culture that drip or filter coffee has been kept on the sideline until now.
If you're looking for an auto coffee machine, Australia now has many options for your liking. We offer a wide range of the rapidly growing drip brewers. These drip coffee machines are capable of producing large batches and usually can be turned on and left, making a super easy way to start your day.
Make sure to pair your drip or filter machine with one of our home coffee grinders or manual hand grinders for freshly ground beans every time! Our favourite home brew grinders are stocked within our range of Baratza and Eureka automatic grinders. Some of our personal favourite hand grinders include the Comandante, Porlex and Timemore range!
Drip coffee makers have different styles, capacities and use different filters which will influence the overall taste profiles. Once you can narrow down what you'll be using it for then you can isolate the best drip coffee makers for your needs.
We stock one of the largest ranges of home and commercial coffee machines , automatic machines and alternative brewing equipment in between.
What style of alternative brewing do you enjoy the most? We’ve got all your brewing styles down pat whether you prefer black coffee like an Aeropress, Syphon, Batch Brew, French press, Chemex, Pour Over, Moka Pot or something a little cooler like a Cold Brew / cold drip!
If you prefer more of a milk based beverage (absolutely) you might pair your Portable Coffee with a manual Milk Frother from our range to get you that delicious creamy morning brew! Now of course we have everything you need to make your coffee experience the best it can be including, Coffee Scales , Pour Over Stands, Filters , Manual Grinders, Gooseneck Kettles, Coffee Servers and Cupping Tools and Coffee Cups if you’re into some taste testing! For our non- coffee drinkers we have a wide variety of Tea Gear which you’ll love! Happy brewing!
Batch brew is essentially the automated version of pour over brewing. Batch brew usually requires a brewing unit i.e., the famous Moccamaster. These batch brewing units heat the water to optimal temperatures and then periodically disperse hot water over the bed of freshly ground beans. These machines usually brew large quantities at a time, hence the name batch brew.
Moccamaster, Bravilor and Ratio 8 are some of our favourite batch brewers! They all produce very similar volumes and you’ll have no problems getting a delicious cup regularly.
Be sure to know both pour over coffee and drip coffee / batch brew produce an incredibly similar cup. However the brewing process is a little bit different. Pour over is more of a slow, manual brewing process which is for those that love the creativity of the coffee process. The batch brewing process is relatively automated as the brewing units do most of the work. Depending on how you prefer to brew your morning coffee, you’ll be confident to know either method will give you sharp and clean coffee.
Most filter / batch brewing units can produce anywhere from 1 L of filter in a 3-5 minute window. Perfect for home or the office environment!